NEW! Keyscape-Double Felt Grand

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Free Update

Spectrasonics releases a new Keyscape update including their own Double Felt Grand!

Spectrasonics has once again outdone themselves with the release of their new double felt grand piano patch update for Keyscape. This update features a stunning new piano sound that is sure to please even the most discerning pianists. The new piano has a rich, full sound with a warm, inviting tone. It is perfect for a variety of musical genres, from classical/cinematic to jazz to pop.

The new piano was recorded in Spectrasonics’ “newly developed private recording studio in Los Angeles.” The result is a sound that is both realistic and inspiring. The piano has a wide dynamic range, allowing you to play with a variety of articulations and expression. You can also use the included effects to further customize the sound to your liking.

The new double felt grand piano patch is a must-have for any Keyscape user. It is a versatile and inspiring sound that will add a new level of realism and depth to your music.

Here are some additional details about the new piano sound from the Spectrasonics website:

  • The new piano was recorded in Spectrasonics’ private recording studio in Los Angeles
  • The piano has a rich, full sound with a warm, inviting tone.
  • The piano is perfect for a variety of musical genres, from cinematic, classical, jazz to pop.
  • The piano has a wide dynamic range, allowing you to play with incredibly dynamic expression.
  • You can also use the included effects to further customize the sound to your liking.

I highly recommend the new double felt grand piano patch for any Keyscape user. It is a versatile and inspiring sound that will add a new level of realism and depth to your music.

An Excerpt from the Spectrasonics website regarding the recording and sampling of the new Double Felt Grand

Creating the Double Felt
“Normally, the highly coveted “felt piano” sound is achieved by draping a layer of felt vertically between the strings and the hammers of an upright piano. This softens the strikes and gives the upright piano an intimate, muted tone. Because of gravity, this technique is not feasible on a grand piano, since the hammers and strings are situated horizontally. The felt would simply lay on top of the hammers, preventing them from rising up to strike the strings. Attempts to attach the felt above the hammers, against the strings, yields less-than-satisfactory results and laying the felt on top of the strings mutes their sustain drastically.
Through careful experimentation, renowned piano technician Jim Wilson (creator of the unique Yamaha grand used in Keyscape for the LA Custom C7), discovered how to achieve this gorgeous muted sound on a world-class 7-foot grand piano. After a great deal of thought, Jim ended up carefully cutting, fitting, and gluing two individually layered strips of a thick, natural felt to each hammer. 
Once the acoustic piano was prepared in this special way, our acclaimed Spectrasonics sound development team (led by producer Eric Persing) then painstakingly sampled the instrument at our newly developed private recording studio — which features some of the largest naturally ambient recording spaces in Los Angeles. To complete the experience, our amazing software team developed lush new DSP reverb algorithms that are exclusive to this new Keyscape sound. The final result is the unique Double Felt Grand: a warm, soft piano with the best aspects of a felt upright, but with the body and the decay of a grand.” 

Listen to Keyscape in contextual action!

All the pianos in our album “Luminescent Dreams” are from Keyscape

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