Adília Ferreira’s Debut Single!


Adília Ferreira

My aim with singing is to share the voice of my soul on a journey of truth. Through my music, I seek to embody the divine feminine presence, representing the multitude of dimensions that exist within me. In my temple, I connect with the frequency of wisdom, love, and intention, regardless of the language spoken. I dare to express myself through Mari-Ri-Tera because of an inner truth, a calling to connect with the sacred within me.

Original Release Date-May 13th, 2023


Mari-Ri-Tera is dedicated to all the Marias on May 13th, to all the female saints and mystic women who reflect spiritual wisdom, the language of the heart, and the union with the divine. -Adília Ferreira

Between the sea and the earth, between light and shadow, the sun shines to illuminate the steps I once feared to take. -Adília Ferreira

A Word from the Producer

Creating this song with Adília was an amazing, new experience for me. She lives in Portugal, so she had to find a local recording studio and have the engineer send me the raw recordings. When I received them, I was blown away by her vocal performance. There were about ten minutes of raw, a cappella vocals, and Adília’s voice was simply stunning. It was so pure and honest, and I could feel the emotion in every note.

I had the difficult task of selecting the best parts of her performance and creating a storyboard from them. Addelia gave me a lot of creative freedom, and I loved being able to put my own spin on the song. I love telling stories with my music, and this was a perfect opportunity to do just that. I wanted to create something that was both beautiful and meaningful, and I think I achieved that.

Working on this song was a joy from start to finish. It was challenging, but it was also incredibly rewarding. It took me on a journey of my own, and I’m so proud of the final product. I’m also excited to continue working with Addelia in the future. She’s an incredible artist, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with her. -Cody Canyon

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